Contact Us

If you need to speak with someone immediately, please contact our Customer Service Team at the phone numbers listed below.

When travelling on Bearskin Airlines, please call 1-800-465-2327.

When travelling on Perimeter Aviation, please call 1-800-665-8986.

For any accessibility requests, please see below for contact information:

Telephone number: 1-204-783-8000 ext 4213



  1. Dial 711 to access the Bell TTY Relay Service
  2. After the operator gives you the go ahead, type in 1-833-984-0896 and then type GA
  3. The operator will dial the number for you and will let you know as soon as someone answers the call.
  4. You will then proceed to use the teletype to communicate with the operator, and the operator will act as a translator to Bearskin Airlines.

For more information on accommodations, alternate formats, accessibility plan and policies, please visit the Accessibility page.  

If you would like to send your feedback through email please use the form below.